Meet the Sensei



Born: 26.8.1964 in Berlin

Started Martial Arts in 1968


7. Dan Shotokan-Karate ISKF


7. Dan Combat - Karate CKIF


6. Dan Judo AJJIF


6. Dan Ju-Jitsu AJJIF


6. Dan Fudokan Karate WTFSKF


 3. Dan Taekwondo from Master Sin - Kill Yoon 9. Dan


Michael Bock-Sensei is holder of the 7. Dan (Karate), 6. Dan (Ju-Jitsu) and 6. Dan (Judo). He is a Student of Sensei Teruyuki Okazaki (10. Dan). In his long career as Karateka he had many important sensei like sensei Hidetaka Nishiyama (9. Dan), Soke Prof. Dr. Ilija Jorga (10. Dan) and Wladimir Jorga (9. Dan). 
He is instructor and president of the Deutschen Traditionellen Shotokan Karate Föderation (DTSKF)


Interview from STSKF to Michael Bock 2013

Interview conducted by Swiss Traditional Shotokan Karate Federation 2013